Use Acuity in a sentence

Meaning of Acuity: Quickness of thought, sharpness of hearing or visual ability Use Acuity in a sentence : It didn’t take much time for me to win accolades...

Use Accede in a sentence

Meaning of Accede: Assent, acquiesce, to agree upon Use Accede in a sentence  examples: Although i have a relevant point to make, i will remain unhear...

Use Abyss in a sentence

Meaning of Abyss: deep hole, a huge gap or difference between the thing being compared Use Abyss in a sentence examples: There is a huge abyss between the work ...

Use Affliction in a sentence

Meaning of Affliction: Grief, distress, misery, plight Use Affliction in a sentence  examples: As the days of recession seem to have passed away, the econo...

Use Abase in a Sentence

Meaning of Abase: To be lowered in rank, reputation, prestige and esteem or to humble oneself to a lower level. Use Abase in a sentence examples: Hitler committ...