Banal in a Sentence with easy to understand Examples
How to use Banal in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Banal, Banally, Banality, Banalize, Banalized and Banalizing. Banal: Definition and Meaning Banal (adjecti...
How to use Banal in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Banal, Banally, Banality, Banalize, Banalized and Banalizing. Banal: Definition and Meaning Banal (adjecti...
How to use Benevolent in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Benevolent, Benevolence and Benevolently. Benevolent Definition and Meaning with Examples Benevolent ...
How to use Brevity in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Brevity. Brevity: Definition and Meaning Brevity (noun) means succinctness or shortness. It ca...
Meaning of Bastion: Defensive stronghold, protective shield or shelter Use Bastion in a sentence examples : Military troops have conquered most of the territori...
Meaning of Benign: (1) Having mild or gentle disposition (2) Harmless or having minimal influence Use Benign in a sentence examples : The shopkeeper was benign ...