What does dearth mean? It means that there is a scarcity or shortage of some supply or products.
Sentence Examples: –
- It is only due to the dearth of evidence that the grand jury had to let the defendant walk free. Although it was a clear-cut case of model with the motive, the missing evidence was all it took for the person to be set free.
- There is a dearth of good looking people nowadays, particularly in the fashion industry where models are only looked upon as a mannequin and not as a person anymore.
- There is a dearth of good houses in your neighborhood or else I would have shifted to that place a long time ago.
- When you are in a relationship, always make sure that there is ample room to talk about the insecurities of each other; having a dearth of talking time leads to failed relationships.
- As soon as the popularity of the film star started to fade, there was a dearth of fans and well-wishers.