What does inadvertent mean?: – Something which has not been achieved after a lot of planning.
Noun: -inadvertence
Adjective: -inadvertently
Sentence Examples: –
- When the principal forgot to turn off the microphone, there was a lot of inadvertent transmission that was pertaining to abuse of language being used in his office. This was relayed all across the school via his PA system.
- After making an inadvertent disclosure about the winner of that particular game, Lizzie spoiled the mood of all the people gathered around the highlights of the game.
- There are so many inventions that happened due to the inadvertent process of trying to create something which is different from the ones that you normally encounter.
- You keep getting a lot of inadvertent calls in your mobile phone, what do you do?
- You cannot keep saying that it was inadvertent if you have been committing the same mistake for a lot of times.
- It is not recommended for you to overdose on this medication, as it would be inadvertentin the later stages of your recovery.