What does acerbic mean? It means to be extremely harsh in criticism or to throw a temper.
Adjective: -unacerbic
Sentence Examples: –
- Upon looking at the kind of acerbic comments flowing around in the Internet chat room, it was on the better part of Jon to try and not reveal his plans to the general public.
- The tone of the writing, which was primarily acerbic, has led to the writer being issued a sharp amount of criticism by the editor of the newspaper.
- If you think that making acerbic jokes are very funny, then you have to think otherwise. There are people that would take cognizance to the kinds of offensive jokes that you tell in public.
- If you think that you would like to overshadow all her acerbic attempts at making conversation, then you would not have to try a lot.
- If you are more than willing to ignore the acerbic statements mentioned by you on the newspaper, you would find that the writer to simply trying to state the facts as he sees it.