What does beleaguer mean?: – To be or put someone in a difficult situation
Noun: -beleaguerer
Adjective: -beleaguered
Sentence Examples: –
- It is common for the people during Halloween to get a whole amount of trick or treat children to beleaguer them all night for candies.
- Jon made it a point to always beleaguer his ex-wife with late payments for child support, which did not go down well with the judge.
- The mosquitoes will beleaguer the family for the entire summer if the timely insect repellents are not put up and spread across the house.
- It is somewhat of a tradition for the school bully to beleaguer the smaller children for money.
- When entertainment is sparse, it falls upon Heidi to beleaguer her little brother.
- It is only when the family intervened that Sarah stops to beleaguer her brother as well as her little sister.
- If you have a small son, and you do not answer his question, he is going to beleaguer you until you take the time to find out the answer and respond to him.