Fruition: Meaning And Sentence Examples
How to use Fruition in a sentence: Sentence examples of Fruition. Fruition Definition and Meaning with Examples Fruition (noun) means realization or culmination...
How to use Fruition in a sentence: Sentence examples of Fruition. Fruition Definition and Meaning with Examples Fruition (noun) means realization or culmination...
How to use Furtive in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Furtive, Furtively and Furtiveness. Furtive Definition and Meaning with Examples Furtive (adjective) mea...
What does flippant mean? It means somebody or something that lacks in a lot of seriousness in their life. Noun: -flippancy Adjective: -unflippant Sentence Examp...
What does frivolous mean? It means somebody that is totally unconcerned are certainly lacks the seriousness of any purpose in his or her life. Noun: -frivolousn...
How to use Forte in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Forte. Forte Definition and Meaning with Examples Forte (noun) means area of expertise. It refers to a per...