Onomatopoeia in a sentence
What does onomatopoeia mean?: – The creation of a word from a particular sound which is associated with the name. Adjective: -onomatopoeic Sentence Examp...
What does onomatopoeia mean?: – The creation of a word from a particular sound which is associated with the name. Adjective: -onomatopoeic Sentence Examp...
What does ostracize mean?: -excluded from a particular group or society Noun: -ostracizer Adjective: -ostracizable Sentence Examples: – As an educational...
What does oxymoron mean?: – A collection of terms that seems to be contradictory in nature in a speech. Noun: -oxymora Adjective: -oxymoronic Sentence Ex...
Meaning of Obsequious: Too compliant, fawning, displaying too much willingness or desire to obey or serve. Use Obsequious in a sentence examples : One should le...
What does obfuscate mean? It means to confuse someone, to make sure that whatever can be done make the situation obscure or unclear will be undertaken. Noun: -o...