What does precipitate mean?: – An event that can happen suddenly
Noun: -precipitateness
Adjective: -precipitative
Sentence Examples: –
- When there is a rising level in the unemployment, it is certainly going to precipitate into a huge crowd in front of the unemployment office.
- The pain in the ankle is slowly going to precipitate into the rest of the body, thereby creating an injury zone that requires immediate attention.
- If the gun control bill is passed, it will definitely precipitate into a rapid increase in the sales of illegal guns.
- When you drink alcohol excessively, it is certainly going to precipitate into the rupture of your liver.
- Despite the wish of the mediator, this issue is certainly going to precipitate into a major conflict in the borders of the two countries.
- There is more than a likely chance that if you do not study for a few days, it will precipitate into a very bad result.
- When you always find yourself on an unhealthy diet, it is going to precipitate into your poor health. This can lead to morbid obesity.