How to use Vague in a sentence:-Definition,Meaning with Examples

How to use Vague in a sentence:- Sentence examples or Vague, Vaguely and Vagueness.

Vague: Definition and Meaning

Vague (adjective) means unclear, hazy or blurred.

The word can refer to anything which is not clearly established, slightly unrecognizable in form, imprecisely expressed or indistinctly felt.

Create a sentence using vague to express anything which is ambiguous or obscure.

It can be associated with an unclear plan, shadowy form, blurred memory, abstract words, unfocused communication, confusing instructions or uncertain sensation.

Vague: Other Grammatical Forms

Vaguely (adverb)

Vagueness (noun)

Vaguish (adjective)

Vague in a Sentence Examples
1) Deciphering the meaning of the letter was difficult because a lot of things had been left vague. She was not precise about what she wanted.

2) She had a vague understanding of the contract, which is why she wasn’t very sure about signing on the dotted line.

3) The manager didn’t want to get into saying too many lies and so he manipulated his conversation with the boss by keeping everything vague.

4) What is the point of setting up a helpline for visitor information if the guidance they give is completely vague?

5) Vague plans about your future are not going to get you anywhere. You need to zero down on specific university options.

6) The doctors said that she was showing vague signs of convalescence, but we still had to wait and watch.

7) The job interviewer wasn’t impressed with the candidate’s vague replies about how he envisioned his future.

8) On the death of her grandmother, the princess mentioned to the media that she had very vague memories about her childhood when she spent most time with her grandma.

9) Feel free to ask him as many questions as you want to because he has a tendency of giving vague instructions.

10) My father was disheartened because he was given a vague mention among the people who were thanked for volunteering.

Vaguely in a Sentence Examples

1) I couldn’t even vaguely make out what she was thinking because her face was totally expressionless. She wasn’t giving anything away.

2) Because my teacher replied vaguely, I took the liberty to make my own interpretation.

3) The topic was vaguely discussed but enough light wasn’t thrown on the issue.

4) He couldn’t convince the audience because he made his point very vaguely. He should have been more forthright and clear about his opinion.

5) From whatever I vaguely understood in her speech, only one thing was apparent – that inflation is not going to get controlled any soon.

6) Her actions vaguely pointed towards their impending split. The vibes between them were very awkward.

7) The silhouette of the thief running in the backyard could be vaguely seen in from the living room.

8) I wonder why her face seems vaguely recognizable. I might have seen her somewhere in the past.

9) She didn’t even vaguely have an idea about where she was going to go after stepping out of the train.

10) Even before the lady could vaguely fathom the thundering sound in her garage, the murdered came from behind and stabbed her.

Vagueness in a Sentence Examples

1) The letter is incomprehensible because it is full of discrepancies and vagueness.

2) The vagueness in your understanding about our marital situation is causing all these problems. Let’s go to a marriage counselor for help instead.

3) Official communication cannot be characterized by vagueness and ambiguity. It has to convey a straightforward message which is replete with facts and figures if necessary.

4) By maintaining vagueness about the protagonist, the author wanted to enhance his mysterious personality.

5) My brother has a knack of underscoring all his promises with vagueness. This helps him to get away easily when he can’t keep them.

6) The map you have drawn is full of vagueness because you haven’t given the key. How am I supposed to understand what all the colors mean?

7) He moved about the house with a lot of vagueness in his body language because he was thoroughly perplexed.

8) The cooking show didn’t turn out to be a hit because of the vagueness with which the recipe was filmed.

9) It was because of all the hazy elements of the strategy that it was marked by such overall vagueness.

10) The vagueness of my mentor’s opinion made it impossible for me to determine which direction I should have taken in life.

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