Amicable in a Sentence with easy to understand Examples
How to use Amicable in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Amicable, Amicableness and Amicably. Amicable Definition and Meaning with Examples Amicable (adjective)...
How to use Amicable in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Amicable, Amicableness and Amicably. Amicable Definition and Meaning with Examples Amicable (adjective)...
How to use Ambiguous in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Ambiguous, Ambiguity and Ambiguously. Ambiguous Definition and Meaning with Examples Ambiguous (adject...
How to use Alacrity in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Alacrity and Alacritous. Alacrity Definition and Meaning with Examples Alacrity (noun) means eagerness ...
How to use Ambience in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Ambience and Ambient. Ambience Definition and Meaning with Examples Ambiance (noun) refers to the vibe,...
How to use Adept in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Adept, Adeptly and Adeptness. Adept: Definition and Meaning Adept (adjective) means skillful or profi...