Use Vigorous In A Sentence in a Sentence Examples
How to use Vigorous in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Vigorous, Vigor, Vigorously and Vigorousness. Vigorous Definition and Meaning with Examples Vigorous (a...
How to use Vigorous in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Vigorous, Vigor, Vigorously and Vigorousness. Vigorous Definition and Meaning with Examples Vigorous (a...
Meaning of Vicarious: Undergone or having endured some feelings or experiences of another. Use Vicarious in a sentence examples: I usually read a lot of stuff r...
How to use Vicious in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Vicious, Viciously and Viciousness. Vicious Definition and Meaning with Examples Vicious (adjective) mea...
How to use Vengeance in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Vengeance, Vengeful and Vengefully. Vengeance Definition and Meaning with Examples Vengeance (noun) me...
What does vehement mean? It means somebody or something that is very emotional, and is normally characterized as being very violent. Adjective: -nonvehement Sen...