How to use Raconteur in a sentence:-Definition,Meaning with Examples

How to use Raconteur in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Raconteur.

Raconteur Definition and Meaning with Examples

Raconteur (noun) means storyteller. It is used to describe a person who has a flair for telling interesting stories, anecdotes and tales.

Raconteur refers to a male storyteller.

Raconteuse refers to a female storyteller.

Use it in everyday vocabulary as a fancier replacement for storyteller or anecdotist.

Raconteur: Other Grammatical Forms


Raconteur in a Sentence Examples

1) Most good film directors are known to be naturally gifted raconteurs too.

2) There’s no raconteur like my grandmother. The way she narrates stories is so lifelike.

3) She is a skilled raconteur and she uses this skill to convince people.

4) When good raconteurs narrate stories, they add a lot of emotion and expression in it to make it engrossing.

5) He is not just a linguist and professor of English, but also an awesome raconteur who spins beautiful yarns out of simple words.

6) Voracious readers can make good raconteurs because of their familiarity with a range of words and narratives.

7) I trained myself to be a raconteur to be able to put my kids to sleep by telling them stories during bedtime.

8) There are a few nations that have still kept the tradition of community raconteur alive.

9) Kids love him as a teacher because he behaves less like teacher and more like a raconteur.

10) We all laughed when my young nephew declared that he wanted to be a raconteur when he grew up. Little did he know that there was no such profession.

11) Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist proved that he is one of the finest raconteurs of our time.

12) His oratory and narrative skills are not inborn, he has become a raconteur out of vigorous practice and training.

13) Roald Dahl found immense popularity with children because he is an entertaining and grappling raconteur.

14) The knack of storytelling runs in his family. It is no surprise that he has turned out to be a pro raconteur.

15) Words flowed out of the raconteur’s mouth like smooth silk.

16) These days, the success of a novel is determined by the marketing efforts invested in it, not by the merit of the raconteur.

17) You have all the qualities it takes to be a raconteur. All you need to do now is to open up and start talking.

18) A true raconteur is a person who can spontaneously make up a story and entertain people.

19) Her most attractive quality is the ability to talk eloquently and languidly. I am so glad I fell in love with a raconteuse.

20) My only dream is to become a world famous raconteur, just like Enid Blyton.

21) My sister is a gifted raconteur. She can narrate stories written by other writers with as much comfort as she can narrate her own.

22) There is no bigger advantage for a child than having a mother who is a raconteuse.

23) My husband keeps the kids entertained with his stories because he is a fascinating raconteur.

24) Since his childhood my son had a flair for reading and writing. I knew he would grow up to be a brilliant raconteur.

25) We love having him over at dinner parties because he is an amazing raconteur.

26) Agatha Christie and Sidney Sheldon are idols for many raconteurs around the world.

27) He is an outstanding orator and she is a terrific raconteuse. Together they will create magic in the even tomorrow.

28) Hearing her narrate the tale so beautifully inspired the raconteur in me too.

29) The imagination that a raconteur adds to a story is what brings it to life.

30) We have been urging her to publish a book because she is an awesome raconteur.

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