Flair in a Sentence
What does flair mean? It means something or somebody that has a natural talent or aptitude. Sentence Examples: – Jon has a natural flair towards painting,...
What does flair mean? It means something or somebody that has a natural talent or aptitude. Sentence Examples: – Jon has a natural flair towards painting,...
What does flippant mean? It means somebody or something that lacks in a lot of seriousness in their life. Noun: -flippancy Adjective: -unflippant Sentence Examp...
How to use Facetious in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Facetious, Facetiously and Facetiousness. Facetious Definition and Meaning with Examples Facetious (ad...
How to use Fickle in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Fickle, Fickly and Fickleness. Fickle Definition and Meaning with Examples Fickle (adjective) means irreg...
What does feral mean? It means to exist in a natural state; something that is characteristic of wild animals going there to their original state from the domest...