Meretricious in a sentence
What does meretricious mean? It means trying to show something on the total pretense as well as deception along with subtle vulgar attractions. Noun: -meretrici...
What does meretricious mean? It means trying to show something on the total pretense as well as deception along with subtle vulgar attractions. Noun: -meretrici...
How to use Morose in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Morose, Morosely and Moroseness. Morose Definition and Meaning with Examples Morose (adjective) means glo...
How to use Multifaceted in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Multifaceted. Multifaceted Definition and Meaning with Examples Multifaceted (adjective) means many...
What does multifarious mean? It means something that is numerous, and greatly diverse. Noun: -multifariousness Sentence Examples: – When you come from a v...
How to use Mundane in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Mundane, Mundanity and Mundanely. Mundane Definition and Meaning with Examples Mundane (adjective) means...