Meticulous in a Sentence
What does meticulous mean? It means somebody going to extreme lengths in order to teach someone the minute details of a particular job or project. Noun: -unmeti...
What does meticulous mean? It means somebody going to extreme lengths in order to teach someone the minute details of a particular job or project. Noun: -unmeti...
How to use Milieu in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Milieu. Milieu Definition and Meaning with Examples Milieu (noun) means background or context. The word r...
How to use Magnanimity in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Magnanimity, Magnanimous, Magnanimously and Magnanimousness. Magnanimity Definition and Meaning with...
How to use Mandate in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Mandate, Mandated and Mandating. Mandate: Definition and Meaning Mandate (noun) refers to a directive, a...
How to use Malevolent in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Malevolent, Malevolently and Malevolence. Malevolent Definition and Meaning with Examples Malevolent ...