Ostentatious in a sentence
What does ostentatious mean? It means something that is intended to impress others or to attract notice in a pretty unnecessary manner. Noun: – ostentatio...
What does ostentatious mean? It means something that is intended to impress others or to attract notice in a pretty unnecessary manner. Noun: – ostentatio...
How to use Outlandish in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Outlandish, Outlandishly and Outlandishness. Outlandish Definition and Meaning with Examples Outlandi...
How to use Outrageous in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Outrageous, Outrageously and Outrageousness. Outrageous Definition and Meaning with Examples Outrageo...
How to use Onus in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Onus. Onus Definition and Meaning with Examples Onus (noun) means burden or liability. Although it is a for...
How to use Optimistic in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Optimistic, Optimism, Optimistically and Optimist. Optimistic Definition and Meaning with Examples Op...