How to use Onus In A Sentence:Definition,Meaning with Examples
How to use Onus in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Onus. Onus Definition and Meaning with Examples Onus (noun) means burden or liability. Although it is a for...
How to use Onus in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Onus. Onus Definition and Meaning with Examples Onus (noun) means burden or liability. Although it is a for...
How to use Optimistic in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Optimistic, Optimism, Optimistically and Optimist. Optimistic Definition and Meaning with Examples Op...
What does obstinate mean? It means to remain in his or her position without having to yield to any kind of argument. Noun: -obstinateness Adjective: -superobsti...
What does ominous mean? It means to be indicating of a particular event that may happen in the future which can have a lot of significance in your life. Noun: -...
What does onerous mean? It means something or somebody that is causing a lot of oppression and hardship. Noun: -onerousness Adjective: -nononerous Onerous in a ...