Prowess in a Sentence
What does prowess mean? It means somebody or something that has an exceptional amount of courage, particularly in a state of combat or in battle. Adjective: -pr...
What does prowess mean? It means somebody or something that has an exceptional amount of courage, particularly in a state of combat or in battle. Adjective: -pr...
How to use Preposterous in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Preposterous, Preposterously and Preposterousness. Preposterous Definition and Meaning with Example...
How to use Predicament in a sentence:- Sentence examples of Predicament. Predicament Definition and Meaning with Examples Predicament (noun) means quandary or d...
What does precarious mean? It means something that is dependent on the circumstances that are beyond the control of anybody. Noun: -precariousness Adjective: -s...
What does pristine mean? It means something that has retained its purity, and is uncorrupted. Sentence Examples: – If you want anything in pristine condit...